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How to Reinstate Amazon Seller Account in 2022?

Amazon Seller account suspension is indeed an unpleasant and hurtful event for a seller. Whatever the underlying issues may be, the seller is entitled to appeal to the suspension of the account.

Below are the steps you need to take before making an appeal to the Reinstate Amazon Seller account.

An Amazon seller will take advantage of the enormous potential for business growth by offering a world-class product to millions of consumers and supplying them with it. Suspension from such a platform means a major loss for the seller. Sellers have to examine and re-establish to continue to get the benefits of Amazon services.

To solve the situation it needs a lot of hard work and careful preparation. For this situation practice with technical experience is a must. When the account is suspended then the letter of appeal for the Amazon suspension helps to reinstate the account for the amazon seller.

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Being a seller on a website such as Amazon you can keep your account continuously working. By carrying out your business properly you will get rid of getting your suspended. You need to keep updating yourself with market trends and ultimately constantly improve the execution of your business.

Amazon is very specific in its policies. Those who violate their rules and guidelines will face the suspension. Amazon is very strict in establishing such an example of becoming a global leader in the e-commerce industry.

Below are some reasons you may be suspending your account.

You should also take care of certain points to avoid Amazon’s suspension. Someone rightly said, “Prevention is better than action”

Amazon needs to run a dynamic business with strong customer service in mind. This is why if they believe your performance is taking a dive, they will delete your account. If you have violated the rules of Amazon, get ready to face some troubles.

Remember that it’s the proper place for Amazon and you have to abide by their rules.

When you’ve sold a limited product you will need to take immediate action or you’ll be blocked on Amazon. Banned sellers can’t get to Amazon again. Whereas sellers who are suspended can reinstate. Amazon letter appeal helps to reinstate the amazon seller account.


Again, if it is written in your letter of suspension that your account is denied, then it means that your appeal is dismissed but you still have the opportunity to re-submit your appeal. You will take your next move, accordingly.

How To Write A Plan Of Action And Appeal Letter For Reinstating The Amazon Seller Account?

Suspension of the account has become a regular routine at Amazon. Removing your seller privilege can make you frustrated, and you may end up taking actions that cause more problems than solving them.

When you’re suspended it’s very important to appeal with an excellent plan to reinstate Amazon seller account. It must represent your growth, your seriousness, and your dedication to your company.

Structure of Amazon Plan of Action

The structure of your Plan of Action is the first thing that you should know. Here is how you can formulate the structure.

  1. Explain what was wrong and accept it.
  2. Mention the steps you have taken to fix it. Explain the approaches and solutions in-depth, so readers can know you are very serious about your business and want to keep it in line with Amazon’s policies.
  3. Explain how the steps you’ve taken to fix the suspension problem will keep it from happening again in the future. Preventive actions are equally important to the actions taken to solve it.

Matters that you should include

You should have any issue relating to Amazon. You should work out your Action Plan bearing in mind all the issues Amazon mentioned in its email. Make sure the preparation includes solutions and preventive action plans.

If you neglect any problem it will be the reason why your re-establishment appeal is denied.  Have patience, and make no rushed decision. Take sufficient time and professional advice to sort out your issues and clearly justify them in your appeal.

Stick to the solutions to the issues mentioned by Amazon.

What you should avoid?

Do not mention anything out of the issues related to Amazon. Don’t be either emotional or harsh. Don’t be negative or appreciate anyone. Amazon is not at all interested in these factors. They’ll just see whether or not the issue posed on your account is resolved.

Including unnecessary issues may become crucial for you. Do not blame or complain about Amazon for anything. That should not be your concern. Your concern will be to reinstate your account.


Appeal letter:

A powerful, coherent, and clear appeal letter should be designed to meet Amazon’s requirements and to explain complex situations to the reviewers in the language they can understand. Craft a letter to demonstrate your seriousness and confidence for your business. Amazon always helps serious and hard-working people.

To make a strategic move to make yourself prepare and solve the issues of suspension, you may find it difficult and need to approach specialists who can help you in resolving the issue.

Always be careful in crafting the appeal letter and remember that it must be in line with the suspension letter. This will reinstate the amazon seller account.

Issues that cannot fix:

There are some serious issues that cannot resolve. For example:

  1. If your one account is terminated and not reinstated, open another account.
  2. Dealing in counterfeit products.
  3. Wrong information on product shipment.
  4. Repeated delivery of a product that the customers did not order.

Practices need to  follow:

  1. Be reliable, and be precise. Consider using excusing words, as it creates a negative perception that you have not ethically met rules and procedures.
  2. Emphasize presenting statistics where possible.
  3. In case of policy violation, make reference to the clause specifically that caused the problem and the Strategies you are taking to comply with it.

It is necessary to note that the letter of appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your account. It’s all up to Amazon, how they’re going to determine, but all you can do is do some research and wisely prepare your response.


I hope, the above article is enough to make you understand the reason for suspension and how to reinstate  Amazons seller account. If you are a new seller you may face problems in the process of reinstatement. The improper procedure of Reinstatement can completely ban your account.

So it is better to take help from any professional they will reinstate your account in a very proper manner. You can contact we have also a team of experts who have been working for reinstatement for many years.

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