You’ve probably heard of the Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR). Some of your products may be in Amazon BSR statistics, and you are certainly delighted. But does it really have an impact on your product sales? And more importantly, can you directly influence the BSR of your products?

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What is Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR)?

The Amazon ranking called “Best Sellers Rank” (BSR) but also called “Amazon Sales Rank”, is a score assigned by Amazon to a specific product. It classifies a product according to its sales and its historical data. This score fluctuates from hour to hour.

You can find the BSR ranking of your products on several pages, including on the main page of the best-selling products and on the page of the best-selling products for each category.


For example, the game “cards against humanity” ranks n ° 2 in the category “Toys and games” and n ° 1 in the subcategory Toys and games> Games for adults> Games.

This game also appears on the main Amazon Best Sellers categories page in Games and Toys, as well as on the main “Amazon Best Sellers” page.

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What impacts the ranking of the best products on Amazon?

The eligibility of a product in the Amazon Best Sellers ranking is calculated from the number of recent sales and sales data relating to any other product in the same category.

Note that Amazon uses statistical data concerning sales histories, but the marketplace also includes forecasts from its algorithm which assesses the potential success of a product.

This is why sometimes, a new product can have a better classification than a product launched two years ago. Even if the old product has a larger history and many cumulative sales, Amazon predicts that the new product will likely outpace the old one.


Why is a product’s Amazon Best Seller ranking so important?

If you want to gain places in the ranking of Amazon’s best sellers to generate more sales for your products, here are some tips.

The fact that one of your products was able to enter the ranking of the best Amazon products does not mean that it is technically very well ranked on all search terms. The ranking of the best Amazon products does not mean that your product sheets are perfectly optimized. It’s up to you to work on these additional optimizations!

Half of the online shoppers start their search for products on Amazon, and the search bar is the primary way to find those products. If you don’t position yourself on these keywords with solid organic content and a strong advertising strategy, your sales will drop.

Next steps to improve your sales and revenue on Amazon

Do not just bet on your ranking in the best Amazon products to significantly increase sales. Instead, focus on using other methods. You can start by using branded content on the marketplace to attract users. You can also invest in FBA and sponsored products.

Take it to the next level on Amazon with an advertising strategy and targeted SEO strategy. You will then probably see your Best Saddles Rank improve!

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